Gladiator II

Gladiator II

What: Movie, 148 mins.
When: Now
Where: In theatres
Genre: Historical drama
Rating: NNN
Why you should watch: “Are you not entertained?” Not so much — Gladiator II can’t match the intensity, compelling narrative, bloody battles and, well, the entertainment levels of the 24-year-old original. Heartthrob of the moment Paul Mescal does his best but largely seems lost as Lucas, who we will eventually learn is the son of Russell Crow’s Maximus from the original film. Pedro Pascal, the previous heartthrob-of-the-moment, is virtuous as a Roman general with a conscience but, like Mescal, seems to wander throughout the film rather than purposefully propel any kind of story. Plot details pop to the surface like ancient bones emerging from an unsettled grave, and the fights aren’t as grand, bloody or focused as in the original. Of course, it’s cool seeing gladiators riding rhinos and sea battles in the Colosseum, but it all feels emotionally bloodless despite the gore.

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