do you want what i have got? a craigslist cantata cast
Arts & Culture

Theatre for the Rest of Us

As the theatre world shifts online, it seems only natural that its subject [...]

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PuSH performer
Arts & Culture

PuSH Packs Political Punch

The PuSh Performing Arts Festival brings a politically charged array of [...]

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Kennedi Carter
Arts & Culture

Exposure Photography Festival Makes Art Accessible

Cowtown’s getting hit with a visual arts explosion that is literally [...]

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Van Gogh exhibit Toronto
Arts & Culture

Go for Van Gogh

The Immersive Van Gogh Exhibit is the safest, most stellar show in the [...]

By curtis

Set from theatre
Arts & Culture

Without Rule of Law

Theatre for an anxious generation. This darkly prescient coming-of-age tale [...]

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