Olivia Chow was elected, in part, on a pledge to be a mayor who consults the public but recent naming decisions stink of old school backroom dealing.

Chow abandons public consultation of key renaming choices

Rob Ford Stadium stinks of backroom deal-making, Sankofa Square is a woke joke

By Michael Hollett

54–56 Kensington Ave., the “Mona Lisa building”

Keep the market in Kensington

The fight over Kensington Market's future

By William Molls

West Island, Ontario Place

Your Toolkit for Saving Two Toronto Treasures

How you can save Ontario Place and the Science Centre

By William Molls

Disgraced ex-mayor John Tory photo bombs actual Mayor Olivia Chow at Ukrainian Festival last weekend

Time for disgraced ex-mayor to slip back into the welcoming boardrooms and leave city alone

Decades of feeding false narrative of “competent” dealmaker have left city [...]

By Michael Hollett

Olivia Chow speaking on stage

Olivia Chow sweeps in with promise of change and hope

Election Night Victory Party has scary start as early results bleak

By Michael Hollett

Ontario Place

Ontario Place not a write-off but an unpolished gem to protect

Don’t believe the hype — Ontario Place west island is a nature-drenched dream


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