Trolls Band Together

Where: In theatres
What: Movie, 91 mins.
When: Now
Genre: Animation
Rating: NNN (out of 5)
Why you should watch: If you have any kids in your life under 10, they’ve probably told you about this animated series which sees this latest sequel unleashed in theatres. Trolls playfully riffs on the boy band world with legendary boy band refugee, Justin Timberlake, behind the scenes on a beautifully, brightly animated piece of inoffensive fluff. Some might argue that Timberlake is using the series to “fluff” his reputation after the justifiable fallout from his less-than-honourable life with Brittney Spears. The latest release, Trolls Band Together checks all the boxes celebrating teamwork, loyalty as the team tries to get the group back together with enough humourous winks to the adults to keep even post-adolescents entertained.

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